A chef curated 501c3 charity feeding those that are struggling paycheck to paycheck. Food is our love language.
A chef curated 501c3 charity feeding those that are struggling paycheck to paycheck. Food is our love language.
Our mission is to provide a chef quality meal and educational support to those in need in our community. We believe that no one should go hungry and we strive to make a positive impact on the lives of those we serve.
Individuals and families that are going to work every day should not have to make a decision to pay the electric bill or to buy groceries for the weekend.
We are trying to cut the “red tape” for those that can’t miss work to stand in a pantry line.
We specifically are serving those that do not qualify for county assistance, food stamps etc
Feb 2025
Cooking on Dime Classes Coming Soon
Grocery Shopping Budget Classes
Learn more about our upcoming events, fundraisers, and more!